Stage 10 Easy
Easy difficulty is Ghost Babel with training wheels.
- More resources spawn
- Some bosses become easier
- Snake is built like a tank, needing a ration is fairly unlikely.
- Fewer guards and cameras
- One of the awkward aspects of Easy is that Alerts and Evasions clear faster than other difficulties.
- Guards without body armor die in 1 bullet, 2 bullets with body armor.
- Guards without body armor will die immediately if you triple punch them.
Mil Mi-28 "Havoc" Attack Helicopter
- HP: 47
- Takes 4 damage per hit
- At least 12 grenades to destroy
- Throw each grenade after a second has passed
- Does 4 attacks along the top edge
- Havoc helicopter does not shoot for long when on the West or East sides on Easy
- If played properly against missile attacks, you can destroy the helicopter before it flies away from the topside of the screen.
- Hold upleft during the cutscene
- Turn up and throw when the Helicopter appears on screen
- Afterwards, run to the right side of the NW rock