The principle is quite simple: In Metal Gear Solid cutscenes are rendered in realtime, meaning the game actually loads the level it is currently displaying and you can warp to that location in a playable state using the area reload cheat. For now this option is only possible on the PC version using the F7 cheat key.

Faster Cell Fight Start

The Idea is to begin he cell as usual, then go to the vent opening to begin the chain of cutscenes with the Darpa Chief. Wait for the third cutscene when Snake talks to the Darpa chief in the cell and area reload. Skip the codec, exit the vent with circle and area reload again to stand in front of the ladder. Equip the level 1 door card and then walk back into the cell from outside to begin the cell fight.

Warp to Rex Layer

You can teleport from Ninja to Rex lair during Otacon's cutscene talking about Metal Gear Rex. After having seen the cutscene that shows Metal Gear Rex, when you're back again with Otacon, area reload. You'll be placed in Rex Hangar 3 going down the ladder. Walk around using FPV mode and walk to where the door would be. You'll be put from where the bridge would be back up again to the commander room. You can turn looking towards Rex to see easier when it happens. If you carefully walk along the edge, you can walk into the steps going up to the commander room to start the Pal Key sequence of having your Pal Key shot out of your hand. You can grab the key from the ditch or from the rat and insert the Normal Pay Key. But sadly the journey stops after that since you can not continue forward back to the warehouse as the doors require level 6 - but Snake only has the level 3 door card yet.

Post Ocelot Warp to Rex Layer

After having beaten Ocelot, the Darpa Chief and Snake talk about Metal Gear Rex. You can area reload during this cutscene, but you can't move nor use any action. You can switch weapons but since we can't die, we are softlocked.

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  • mgs1_area_reload_wrong_warps.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/07 13:21
  • by hau5test