This route is a work in progress, there may be improvements in the future

000Mark Ernest TorioHeliportSleeping Vent
001Alex H HigginsHeliportTruck
002Li Shi DanHeliport2nd Floor
003Kristopher SchmittTank HangarMiddle
004Arthur Manuel SzpilskiTank HangarTop Right
005Kevin S WengTank HangarSuppressor Guard
006Michael A WilliamsArmoryBy Elevator
007Patrick M MichailishynArmoryBottom Right
008Julliard Ej EmilienArmoryGuard PSG-1
009Ross LilloArmoryMeets Julliard
010Andy E TurnerCanyonUpper
011Nouri FredericCanyonTank
012Eric J HolmesCanyonLower
013Alex G FisicoCanyonLower
014Jong Dong KimNuke Building B1Office
015Navid MasserratNuke Building B1Urinal
016Jad V JureidiniBlast FurnaceMiddle Catwalk
017John Michael V LimBlast FurnaceBy Steam Room
018Andrew M LongBlast FurnaceTop Left
019Bruno Almeida VilaresWarehouseLeft
020Dmitriy Sergeevitch KovalevWarehouseMiddle Left
021Oscar M GrandellWarehouseMiddle Right
022Fernando Makio YoshimotoWarehouse NLower
023Christopher J BarbourWarehouse NUpper
024Jose Maria Castillo SecillaUnderground BaseLower Left
025Michael R KlingensmithUnderground Base1st Guard
026Doug TooleyUnderground BaseUpper Left
027Johnny SasakiNuke Building B1Meryl in Disguise
028Meryl SilverBurghVarious
029Psycho MantisCommander's Room
030Sniper WolfSnowfieldMust be grabbed by legs
031Vulcan RavenWarehouse
032Liquid SnakeSupply RouteMust be knocked off Rex

Strategies assume No M9

19 out of 33

000Mark Ernest TorioHeliportSleeping Vent
001Alex H HigginsHeliportTruck
002Li Shi DanHeliport2nd Floor
  • It may be faster to get Li's tag on the stairs, but waiting for him to come down the stairs is safer and consistent
  • While waiting on the vent guard to drop his tag, begin SOCOM ammo depletion to generate a magazine for the Prozac Skip on the Darpa Chief prison door
003Kristopher SchmittTank HangarMiddle
004Arthur Manuel SzpilskiTank HangarTop Right
005Kevin S WengTank HangarSuppressor Guard/LATER
  • If you still have SOCOM ammo left, deplete the rest while waiting for Arthur to drop his tag to generate a magazine for the Prozac Skip on the Darpa Chief prison door
006Michael A WilliamsArmoryLATER
007Patrick M MichailishynArmoryBottom Right
008Julliard Ej EmilienArmoryLATER
009Ross LilloArmoryLATER

Nuke Building B1

014Jong Dong KimNuke Building B1Office
015Navid MasserratNuke Building B1Urinal
  • It is faster to get these guards later during the PSG1-T backtrack and/or after the torture room, although getting both before the Nikita is only about a 4-5 second time loss
  • If getting both tags here, be sure to press the elevator button again after getting Navid's tag as it keeps the elevator door open longer
027Johnny SasakiNuke Building B1Meryl in Disguise
028Meryl SilverBurghVariousAfter the cutscene
  • Choking Meryl is the fastest way to knock her out, if you don't want to risk killing her, choke her a few times and then punch her until she's out
  • One hit with the nikita is not enough to knock Meryl out, two will do the job
  • Unless you grabbed the M9 the best spot to get Meryl's tag is either right after the cutscene before Mantis or right after the Mantis fight
029Psycho MantisCommander's Room
  • Don't forget! Return to Mantis's remains to pick up his tag!
006Michael A WilliamsArmoryBy Elevator
007Patrick M MichailishynArmoryEARLIER
008Julliard Ej EmilienArmoryGuard PSG-1
009Ross LilloArmoryMeets Julliard
  • Aiming the SOCOM while waiting for Michael's tag keeps Snake from sneezing, keep Snake in motion on the way to the other two guards to prevent another sneeze
005Kevin S WengTank HangarSuppressor Guard
010Andy E TurnerCanyonUpper
011Nouri FredericCanyonTank
012Eric J HolmesCanyonLower
013Alex G FisicoCanyonLower
  • It is slightly faster to shoot Andy while running towards him instead of distracting him with shots, distracting him is safer

14 out of 33

030Sniper WolfSnowfieldMust be grabbed by legs
  • Don't forget! Return to Wolf's remains to pick up her tag!
  • After you drop her body, roll into her tag and menu to the M9 or Socom to prepare for the Blast Furnace
016Jad V JureidiniBlast FurnaceMiddle Catwalk
017John Michael V LimBlast FurnaceBy Steam Room
018Andrew M LongBlast FurnaceTop Left
  • Easiest fastest way is to get Jad's tag, then leave to the cargo elevator and immediately return for John and Andrew, doing this puts those two guards in optimal position
031Vulcan RavenWarehouse
  • Don't forget! Return to Raven's remains to pick up his tag!
022Fernando Makio YoshimotoWarehouse NLower
023Christopher J BarbourWarehouse NUpper
024Jose Maria Castillo SecillaUnderground BaseLower Left
025Michael R KlingensmithUnderground Base1st Guard
026Doug TooleyUnderground BaseUpper Left
  • Return to Warehouse after picking up the PAL Key
019Bruno Almeida VilaresWarehouseLeft
020Dmitriy Sergeevitch KovalevWarehouseMiddle Left
021Oscar M GrandellWarehouseMiddle Right
032Liquid SnakeSupply RouteMust Be Knocked off REX
  • Don't forget! Knock off Liquid to pick up his tag!
  • When finished, save your game, load the game from the Dog Tag Viewer in Special, and check your percentage (%)

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  • metal_gear_solid/tts_adt_hard.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/28 19:15
  • by SuaveBeardson