The first and one of the most difficult bosses to learn The Ocelot unit is a fight with many varying approaches regardless of the difficulty you are running. Below are just a few ways to deal with this boss, but if any are causing you a lot of trouble try and come up with your own way!

  • SuuukiMGS's Ocelot Unit - European Extreme
  • Spartyy's Ocelot Unit Stratagy - European Extreme
  • Fast Ocelot Unit European Extreme
  • More Difficult than some of the safer strategies, but largely consistent and one of the fastest ways, most common in high-level Single Segment runs
  • Ocelot Loop All Difficulties

The Pain Skip

  • The “speedrun” variant of The Fear stun-stamina kill strat. Using a stun and attacking The Fear with lethal damage causes his stamina to drain rather than his health. You can also use an automatic weapon, like the XM16E1 or Patriot. But picking up the XM16E1 is slower, however easier. There are some slightly slower but easier trap-kill setups. On lower difficulties you don't need to combo The Fear during his stun but it will speed up the fight a bit.

More Advanced strat to save some extra time:

M1911A1 Variant (tested on Very Easy & Normal)

  • The End (European Extreme)

Make sure to explode the barrels in the docks as shown in the beginning of the video and do NOT take the arrow out of Snake's leg from The Fear fight. Steps during the fight: shoot The End 3 times with the tranq gun from your starting location, run over to the tree as shown in the video and wait about 20 seconds (I do 6 punch punch kick combos to time it), throw the smoke grenade in that direction, make noise by shooting your gun (it can be done with tranq gun, M1911, patriot, etc.), throw the stun at him, and follow loop shown in video. Most of the time you'll end the fight with the last cig spray but use the tranq gun if he has a small amount of stamina left.

  • The Fury Loop Strat, applies to all difficulties

Lethal Fury on Very Easy

Lethal Fury Strat on Normal (differs slightly because he requires one extra attack cycle).

  • Non Lethal Volgin - Slower than the lethal counterpart, however most often used to obtain Cold War Camo to make bike chase more bearable on European Extreme.
  • Shagohod Fight on Euro Extreme. Fight is the same on all difficulties only change is damage it takes. Eva's movements are random and will play a factor on how fast you finish the fight.

The fight can play out very nicely if you manage to get behind shagohod and keep him immobilized. There's a setup to get you into position if EVA complies:

1. After shooting the last C3, hold R2 to open the menu asap

2. Equip RPG, switch to the sight view. Dont touch the control stick

3. Your aim starts to pan to the left towards shagohod. After the crosshair passes the joint of the thread, shoot

4. EVA should start to circle shagohod counterclockwise. Shoot the rear as soon as you get a wide enough angle

5. After the i-frames run out, shoot again

6. Immediately shoot the threads to get another stun. You can also wait for him to move to see the timing, but that risks of him turning around and breaking from the loop

7. Wait the i-frames from the 2nd rearshot, shoot 3rd, wait, shoot 4th, shoot threads

8. Repeat step 7.

The i-frames between the rear shots last for around 5s

Keeping the loop is very tricky, and in some states (like when shagohod wants to turn around) the threads seem to be undamageable. Click below for a GIF of the starting animation


  • Volgin 2 Loop on European Extreme. On lower difficulties, Lethal variant is faster if you are not going for a no kill run. Basic fight will remain the same. Distract him by shooting the threads, attack during that window with M.Nagant or SVD.
  • The Boss Loop on European Extreme
  • Using Mosin Nagant is the fastest/safest single segment method but there is a more risky multi-segment variant that is faster
  • Changes slightly on normal and below
  • When Snake Grunts, Hold Circle and twist the left stick to counter Her. On Normal, do the same inputs when Snake gets a red ! Above his head
  • Boss Loop on normal
  • Mk.22 is more viable for single segment

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  • mgs3_bosses.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/28 22:49
  • by PlatonicGuy