
Easy difficulty is Ghost Babel with training wheels.

  • More resources spawn
  • Some bosses become easier
  • Snake is built like a tank, needing a ration is fairly unlikely.
  • Fewer guards and cameras
  • One of the awkward aspects of Easy is that Alerts and Evasions clear faster than other difficulties.
  • Guards without body armor die in 1 bullet, 2 bullets with body armor.
  • Guards without body armor will die immediately if you triple punch them.

Stage 12 Map by Eishiya

Resources Time (seconds and frames) Grenades
All Resources 16.23 16
All Grenades 14.0 16
Topleft Grenades 8.36 12
Nothing 5.14 8

Optimal C4 Strategy

  • HP: 48
  • Takes 8 damage per hit
  • 6 hits to destroy

Strictly Mines

  • HP: 48
  • Takes 8 damage per hit
  • 6 hits to destroy
  • HP: 96
  • Damage Dealt to Machine Guns: 1 HP
  • Damage Dealt to Upper Cannons: 3 HP, Final Hit is 8 HP
  • Damage Dealt to Missile Launcher: 6 HP
  • Damage Dealt to Flame Thrower: 4 HP
  • Machine Guns can be damaged by Nikita or Grenades
  • Upper Cannons can be by Nikita or Grenades
  • Missile Launcher can be damaged only by Nikita
  • Flame Thrower can be damaged only by Grenades
  • Upper Cannons are destroyed after 4 hits, totaling 17 damage per Cannon destroyed
  • Metal Gear never deploys its UAVs on Easy
  • When Machine Guns are flashing, Gander can choose to use the upper turrets, use UAVs, or fire missiles (when it reaches a low enough HP)
  • If a grenade is thrown onto Gander on Fl 98 or Fl 99, it will deal 4 damage at the start of Body per throw. Video shown below. Because there is no guard on Easy, the movement is easier than what is shown in the video.
  • Once GANDER reaches 63 HP, it can perform the Missile attack
  • Once GANDER reaches 31 HP, Flame Thrower attack begins
  • To finish phase 2, up to 8 grenades are required

fig. 1

  • Where to stand on the left side to hit both the gun and cannon without taking damage from the cannon.

fig. 2

  • Where to stand on the right side to hit both the gun and cannon without taking damage from the cannon.

Return to Metal Gear: Ghost Babel

  • metal_gear/mggbez12.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/28 14:12
  • by plywood