Stage 02 Easy
Easy difficulty is Ghost Babel with training wheels.
- More resources spawn
- Some bosses become easier
- Snake is built like a tank, needing a ration is fairly unlikely.
- Fewer guards and cameras
- One of the awkward aspects of Easy is that Alerts and Evasions clear faster than other difficulties.
- Guards without body armor die in 1 bullet, 2 bullets with body armor.
- Guards without body armor will die immediately if you triple punch them.
- Do a one punch buffer to get past the guard in the first screen of the fortress, like on Very Hard.
- To avoid getting hit by the second guard in the first screen of the fortress, you can perform the Tony Tap. There is a slower but easier version and a faster but more precise version
- There is no guard after the Chris codec.
- There is no guard before the ID card truck.
- You'll need to equip the ID card due to the lack of alert opportunities.